CNN’s Joe Johns: Not Clear How Many Times Obama Told Truth About People Losing Insurance

We all know what Obama meant, and that was to mislead everyone until it was too late. So for Johns to imply that Obama “meant” to tell the truth is anti-science. But here is where Johns jumps the shark….

JOHNS: The president said again and again that you can keep your insurance. But it’s not clear how many times he actually distinguished between employer-based insurance and those who bought private insurance after ObamaCare was signed into law. … It’s not clear how often they told people insurance companies might cancel policies because they didn’t comply with ObamaCare.

That is sleight-of-hand propaganda at its slipperiest.

Again and again and again and again, over two presidential campaigns,  Obama made a solemn promise to every American that they could keep their health insurance. He even did so during a State of the Union address.

But here is Johns, without a hint of evidence, manufacturing from whole cloth the falsehood that Obama did tell the truth, we just don’t know how many times he did.

via CNN’s Joe Johns: Not Clear How Many Times Obama Told Truth About People Losing Insurance.

That would be never, Joe.

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